
Dartmouth shutters its Gender Research Institute

Dartmouth shutters its Gender Research Institute

(AP Photo)

The Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth (GRID) is closing its doors. Established in 2013, the GRID’s original goal was to seek a clearer understanding on the topic of gender.

According to The Dartmouth student newspaper, the program is on hold due to financial issues. GRID was founded with a four-year grant, which has since lapsed.

GRID director Annabel Martín expressed in an email that she is unsure how long the sudden closure will last. Martin did not, however, that $30,000 has been allocated for the purpose of “gender-related research.”

Diana Lawrence, a spokesperson for Dartmouth University, stated that, in 2013, GRID received initial funding in the form of a one-time grant for four years. As of today, and also four years later, the grant has been entirely spent.

“In its four years the Gender Research Institute (GRID) encouraged, facilitated, and showcased gender-related research, teaching, and social engagement that address why the 21st century is still a time profoundly structured by gender, racial, ethnic, sexual, and economic inequality,” GRID states on its information page, located on the university’s website.

Members of the faculty will soon meet to talk about future options.

“The school just doesn’t value humanities and value radical thinking, which GRID, of course, didn’t do a great job at every year, but sometimes did do a great job at,” environmental studies major Ren Margarita ‘18 told The Dartmouth.

However, Margarita hits the nail on the head: with higher education costing so much, this “radical thinking” is not a spending priority for Dartmouth.

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Source: Red Alert Politics