
Berkeley Antifa stalks local College Republican leaders

Berkeley Antifa stalks local College Republican leaders

(AP Photo/Josh Edelson)

Berkeley, California’s local Antifa group is stalking the Berkeley College Republicans (BCR). A Twitter account belonging to the Berkeley Antifa tweeted the location and names of BCR leaders to their 5,800 followers, after members have previously threatened the safety of the CR’s due to their political beliefs.

“BCR meeting right now inside Eureka at 2068 Center St after drinking with Kyle Chapman and Joey Gibson at Fashy’s, I mean, Pappy’s,” the tweet stated. “Inside right now is (President) Troy Worden, Ashton Whitty, (Vice-President) Naweed Tahmas, Matt Ronnau, Angelie Castenada, and two others.”

After one Twitter user who identifies as a “fighter” asked “what should we do?” another replied, “go punch them.”

via Twitter

The Antifa organization, including the Berkeley chapter, which is one of the nation’s most prominent, has been notorious for their violence against conservatives, whom they deem to be “fascists.” Antifa has been labeled as a criminal gang and has promised to end conservatives “by any means necessary.”

“The Berkeley College Republicans have been stalked and harassed by violent Alt-Left activists since September of 2016,” BCR President Troy Worden told Red Alert Politics. “Last night is simply one example where we have been followed and outed in on social media, a tactic used against independent journalists during the G20 protests in Hamburg this year. Our information, including pictures and locations, have been released publicly by these thugs for the purpose of intimidation. We have notified the UC Berkeley administration and have not received the equivalent support liberal groups on campus have.”

“Conservatives in Berkeley are routinely targeted, harassed, and stalked,” BCR Vice-President Naweed Tahmas told Red Alert Politics. “Knowing that they have sympathizers within both the city administration and university administration, leftist groups will continue to target conservatives as they know there are no consequences to their actions. It has become socially acceptable in Berkeley to physically beat someone for being a conservative. In fact, it is even encouraged.”

“These attacks are clear signs of desperation,” Tahmas continued. “The Berkeley College Republicans are winning on every front and leading a new free speech movement that serves as an existential threat to the left’s longstanding echo chamber in the People’s Republic of Berkeley. We’re fighting back and we are breaking the shackles of leftist control over our university. They fear us. Their ideological monopoly on campus is under threat and they are lashing out. Their intimidation will not stop us.”

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Source: Red Alert Politics