
College Dems: Inviting Mike Cernovich to campus is “incredibly insensitive” to minorities

College Dems: Inviting Mike Cernovich to campus is “incredibly insensitive” to minorities

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College Republicans at Columbia University have invited political blogger Mike Cernovich and founder of the English Defense League Tommy Robinson to speak on campus this semester. While this the University has given the speakers a green light, the campus Republicans are already receiving push back from campus Democrats.

“There are more important and valuable, intellectual conservative leaders that they could have brought to campus, but instead they’ve chosen to bring provocateurs. The whole point of this charade is to have attention,” the College Democrats told CBS2.

According to a statement from the Republican group, college is a place to learn and grow by being introduced to different ideologies and beliefs.

“[Columbia University College Republicans] is hosting a wide variety of speakers that identify as part of the Republican Party or the right,” the College Republicans told Fox News. “We will host speakers that agree and disagree with Trump; we do not want to limit ourselves and the values that we will discuss.”

“Our club wants to have a conversation regarding the ideas of our speakers by learning about them, questioning them, and ultimately challenging them on their beliefs.”

“We do hope that the University will make sure that our speech is not limited or restricted. At the end of the day, we would like to have these conversations with students unlike ourselves, so we can learn better about their values and ourselves,” the statement continued.

However, despite the fact that the Republican group shares its desire to see growth among the student body, campus Democrats believe that hosting the conservative speakers is a ploy for attention.

Some students in opposition to the events told CBS2 that they believe it is “incredibly insensitive” to minority students to invite “white supremacists” to campus. Other students say they plan to protest the speakers because it is their “right.”

Dates for the two events cannot be announced until just two weeks before hand, due to security reasons. So far, Columbia University has been supportive of diverse dialogue, breaking from national trends.

“We welcome all speakers invited by our student groups as long as we can ensure that the event will be orderly and safe,” the school told local news.

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Source: Red Alert Politics