
Facebook bans conservative page for criticizing Hillary’s stance on gun control

Facebook bans conservative page for criticizing Hillary’s stance on gun control

Marcio Jose Sanchez / Associated Press

The popular Facebook page “the Other 98% Logic” has been banned by Facebook for posting a meme of Hillary Clinton saying, “I hate guns so much that I only approved weapons for countries that donated to the Clinton foundation!”

via Other 98 Logic

The meme refers to claims of a 2015 pay-per-play in which Hillary Clinton pushed through US arms deals for Clinton Foundation donors, MotherJones reports. The left-leaning website, discussing an International Business Times investigation, cites multiple occasions where donations to the Clinton Foundation took place or increased after an arms deal went through, “boosting the military power of authoritarian regimes such as Qatar, Algeria, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman, which, like Saudi Arabia, [that] had been criticized by the department for human rights abuses.”

This latest string of censorship of conservative pages comes just days after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote a post implicitly supporting gun control.

“Once the left gains a monopoly on the platforms of speech, they use this to form a monopoly on thought making it harder and harder to have an honest conversation,” David Owen, one of the owners of the censored Facebook page, told Red Alert Politics. “The problem of course is who determines what speech is ‘hateful’ and why?”

“Facebook and Twitter are the only social media platform with relevancy in the United States essentially creating a monopoly. From here the elite group in charge of the monopoly can use their power to remove ‘hateful speech’ to silence conversation and through their monopoly control opinion and conversation,” Owen continued.

“The Other 98% Logic,” which reaches an audience of millions, received a message from Facebook which informed them that they had violated community standards without specifying what policy they broke or explaining what post had violated Facebook’s terms. Page administrators, however, deduced that the ban came following the Hillary Clinton post from the night before.

“Here’s what I know: I posted this meme last night. When I got up this morning I was told my session had expired and needed to log back in. Logged back in and was told a post I had made had been removed from Other 98% Logic. Then was told that our page had been unpublished,” a page administrator told Red Alert Politics.

via Other 98 Logic

Facebook is well known, even amongst employees, for being staunchly anti-conservative. During the 2016 election cycle, an online group for employees—largely used by those who were right-leaning—was shuttered due to claims that employees were using it to harass people, Fox News reported. The chat, which intended to allow employees to freely share concerns about the workplace, included a poster saying, “Trump supporters welcome.”

Last year Facebook banned a similar page, “Occupy Democrats Logic,” for posting a meme which called out the hypocrisy of the left’s support for Islam, which remains staunchly against homosexuality, the Daily Caller reported. After several days and much internet outrage, Facebook quietly restored full rights to the page owners.

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Source: Red Alert Politics