
Gonzaga University to host three day conference on “Hate Studies”

Gonzaga University to host three day conference on “Hate Studies”

(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

This October, Gonzaga University will host their 4th annual International Conference on Hate Studies, a three day symposium that will bring together top researchers and thought-leaders who are “focused on hate and justice.”

According to the conference website, the theme of the conference is “Engaging with Communities for Justice,” with emphasis on addressing “hate, related social problems, and ways to create socially just and inclusive communities.”

While the conference itself is a forum on hate, participants will also receive heavy doses of progressivism and social justice training, including sessions on inequality among various communities. The website lists a number of goals for conference attendees, including,  “Encourage and suggest ways for individuals, institutions and organizations to become change agents for social justice in their communities,” as well as ways for attendees to “better analyze and combat hatred.”

The conference also features a number of liberal speakers, most notably Joe Levin, who is the co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC.) While the SPLC has done noble work combatting racism and discrimination in the past, they have more recently become known for their constant efforts to slander conservatives and shut down debate from any group with which they disagree.

One of the hallmarks of the SPLC is their “Hate Map,” which provides the location for any advocacy groups or organizations the SPLC has deemed to be a “Hate Group.” In 2012, a man named Floyd Corkins used this map to identify the location of the Family Research Council, which has been deemed a hate Group by the SPLC. Corkins attempted to enter the organization’s building in order to kill people he deemed as “anti-gay,” but was arrested after shooting a security guard in the arm.

According to Dr. Kristine Hoover, director of the Gonzaga University Institute of Hate Studies, the conference will enable individuals to better analyze and combat hatred in their communities.

“The lessons learned and plans which emerge will help educators, researchers, advocates, and others better analyze and combat hatred in its various manifestations so as to lead to communities being committed to peace, human rights, and justice,” said Dr. Hoover.

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Source: Red Alert Politics