
Media Mania Meltdown

Hello again TRUTH SHARKS!

You don’t have to have a degree in political science to see how the mainstream media and their neo-fascist sympathizer’s are doing whatever it takes to stop the Trump agenda and bring down his Presidency. The frenzy on the Left has sucked in the usual RINO’s and “never Trumper’s” in if not sympathy for their cause, crickets in support of their President. One good thing you can say for the Socialist Dem’s, they didn’t attack their own President!!! They stuck behind him lie after lie even in the face of four dead American’s in Libya and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. He was a liar but he was their liar and they loved him for it!!!

That said, Trump has done a damn good job of shooting his own feet. His lack of focus on getting behind economic agenda in a thoughtful, professional and methodical way is stunning even for many of those who voted for him. His initial role-out of the immigration ban was poorly thought out and implemented. His decisions to hire Michael Flynn and Sean Spicer proved to be mistakes that he’s still paying for. But his biggest problem is his own mouth. Nobody likes a bully. When you insult and show disrespect the way he has and things start to go against you, you’re not going to have a lot of friends that have your back when the crap hits the fan.

We rode the market up on the back of the Trump bump after the election and into the inauguration. Reduction in regulations have been a market plus but the expectation of corporate tax reform, repatriation along with repeal and replace of Obama Care were expected by market participants. Now with Congress calling for investigation after investigation it seems questionable when ANY of that will get done. So we appear to have lost what little tailwind with the furor over the Comey firing. Personally I think it’s way overdone but Trump’s timing and the way the dismissal was handled was totally unprofessional.

The President could have canned the guy with a lot more class by waiting until he was back in Washington and making a personal phone call. This is one of the reasons Trump is hurting himself….it’s his unbridled arrogance. But that doesn’t excuse the Left and the venomous hatred that only feeds his anger. I wish he were big enough not to take their bait and knew how to go over their heads to the American people with the class of a Ronald Reagan, but unfortunately he’s no Ronald Reagan.

Those are fair and balanced thoughts!!!