
“Repeal and Replace” Healthcare

Hi everyone,

The big story buffeting the market this week was the mishandling of the “repeal and replace” healthcare vote that was pulled on Friday.  The concern of course was that by not passing the part one of a three part act that this will derail tax reform and in short, the Trump-Republican agenda.  Well it seems that getting Republican’s to agree on a healthcare bill was about as easy as herding cats.  The Freedom Caucus wants repeal and replace with a “clean bill” not muddied up with an “Obama-lite” look and feel and they weren’t going to be pushed into signing on to a bill they didn’t believe in.  The out of power Dem’s claimed “victory” but they weren’t even a sideshow in this mess.  A pox on all of them!  Give them all guns and stand them in a circle.

Enjoy the weekend!