
Trump Pulls out of Paris Accord….Big Deal?

Good Friday morning TRUTH SHARKS!

Yesterday Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord joining Syria and Nicaragua as the only two countries not on board. Given the shrill hysteria from the usual sources, left wing controlled media, globalists, and of course the Dem’s, you might expect a more “mature” response from corporate leadership. But no, of course not!!! They are in “lock step” with the BIG GOVERNMENT types. Even if they privately don’t think it’s a big deal that the US is backing out, they would NEVER be able to say so publicly given the attacks that would be generated from the “Church of latter day Environmentalists”. If you don’t agree with that crowd they will drag you out of bed and burn you at a stake. YOU MUST CONFORM, CONFORM, CONFORM!!!!

Folks, for the sake of argument let’s say global warming is real. How does the Paris Accord change that? The accord requires China and India who happen to be the biggest polluter’s on the planet to do pretty much nothing for 20 years!!! On the other hand the US has shown leadership in reducing green house gasses and pollution in general. We’ve been doing that BEFORE the Paris Accord, not because of it and we will continue doing so.

However the LEFT, always thinking they are the smartest people in the room, loves to accuse those who disagree with their approach as not only soft on environmental rules but they say we are anti-American, anti-world, anti-children, and even racists for wanting to pull out of the Paris Accord.

If this was such a great deal for the US, why didn’t Obama submit it to the US Senate and get it ratified like a treaty calls for in the Constitution? Because he knew it didn’t stand a snow balls chance in Hell of passing! The Kyoto Treaty when submitted for a Senate vote lost 99-1. Yet since that failed vote environmental policy has evolved, markets have shifted through innovation, cost reduction and investment by a wonderful mechanism called CAPITALISM!!!

You would think with all of the hysteria we’ve been seeing from the Left that the US is going to spin off the planet. No, we are going to continue innovating and being a driving force to improving productivity with less, not more pollution. Indeed we do need to protect the environment not only for us but for future generations. We don’t need to be part of the Paris Accord to achieve that objective. That whole thing is political theater to give “cover” to world leader’s in an attempt to placate the environmental Nazi’s.

This is all a big hoopla over nothing but one the Left loves to sink their teeth into because it gives them the opportunity to promote more BIG GOVERNMENT. In the end, that’s what it’s really all about. The Left LOVES a big controlling government because that’s where they get all their power.

Have a good one!