
White Men Are the Blame

This mornings shooting by Bernie Sanders supporter James T. Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville Illinois will likely be spun on the left as further evidence that this country needs stricter gun laws.  They are literally blind to the irony that the Left, through their “Resist” movement, led by the Socialist Democratic Party, and supported by the Meetup organization, has been a major contributor to the vitriolic discourse endorsing “safe zones” on college campuses, the stifling of free speech, promoting the shout down of those with views they don’t share. There are a significant number of anarchists among them usually dressed in black with masks causing property damage, and often physically attacking individuals.  And where has the Left wing mainstream media in all of this?  CRICKETS!!!  Their silence has been a tacit endorsement.

Today’s incident will somehow be the fault of Donald Trump, it will be the fault of Republican’s and those who voted for Donald Trump.  Somehow they will spin it so that Conservatives caused this and Rep. Steve Scalise got what he deserved.  Of course most won’t be so crass to say that but it will be implied.  They won’t be able to blame themselves for their own shortfalls. They have to blame Conservatives because, well that’s WHAT THEY DO!!!

For all the talk of “safe zones”, in reality they are espousing violence by suggesting it’s “Okay” to go after those with opposing views.  Violence against those they disagree with is not preferred but in some instances it’s acceptable.  White males are the easiest group in America to attack because, they have it coming to them…right?  White males don’t have any defenders.  White men are the blame for every Leftist cause you can think of and taking shots at Republican White men is “A-OK” with many on the Left, and secretly supported by a ton more.  

Of course saying that truth will give those on the left reason to brand you a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Islamaphobe, deplorable, etc., because again, THAT’s WHAT THEY DO!!!  The “they”, are the Left in the media, on college campuses, in the public school system, Hollywood, and in parts of corporate America.  It’s gotten to the point on the Left that it’s “A-OK” to have a play where a look alike of Donald Trump is killed.  I’m not a big fan of Donald Trump but that’s over the top no matter WHO the President is.  

The blow back by this faux outrage about the Russian’s is a huge contributor to what’s going on in the US right now.  The Socialist Dem’s could simply not accept they ceded their nomination to a pathetic excuse of a candidate who couldn’t even win Wisconsin and Michigan!!!  Excuse me, I have to stop laughing!!!  So they concocted a BS story about “collusion”….ooooooh!!!  The only problem is, there is ZERO proof collusion ever occurred, so now they have to come up with ANOTHER narrative on WHY THEY LOST the election.  

Some of us may have been born in the morning, but it wasn’t yesterday morning.  It’s time for Conservatives to go on the OFFENSIVE.  We have to win the battle of idea’s and that’s difficult to do when college campuses and vast swaths of communication are controlled by the Left.  Yet somehow Trump won.  He may not be the guy I would choose to hold the banner but for now he’s the guy.  The message has to be broader than one man, one race, or one gender.  There have to enough people to see that we are still the shining city on the hill.  Somehow that point of view has been demonized by the “you didn’t build it” crowd.  

I don’t know if this is just one Left Wing Nut or the start of something else but as American’s we should be pissed off enough not to put up with it any longer.  CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and other media outlets need to be observed very closely in how they handle this event.  Remember the Gabby Giffords incident and how Sarah Palin and Republican’s were BLAMED because a guy without ANY political agenda shot her and killed that poor little girl.  They trumpeted the story about how Palin encouraged “targeting” certain Democrat’s as if her words caused this fruitcake to shoot Giffords.  The problem is, he had no history of being political.  He was mentally ill.  In this case we have a KNOWN BERNIE SANDER’S SUPPORTER who HATED DONALD TRUMP.  Let’s see how they DOWNPLAY that FACT.  

Other than that….I hope you all have a great Flag Day!!!